Think about the number of stars in the sky. Let’s say you’ve been told that 500 of them would provide elements of a good resolution to one of your problems, although some would be better than others. You’re offered a spaceship to bring you to just one of them. How would you know which star to choose given you can’t know where they’re located or what, specifically, they can provide?
Now, let’s parallel your brain with the stars, although there are more synapses, neurons, and circuits in your brain than there are stars in the sky! The problem above is the exact problem your brain faces whenever you want to do or decide something: you have a wish, an aspiration; you want to make a new decision; your team needs to figure out how to approach a new initiative.
To make your decision, your brain must send the ‘request’ to one grouping of your 1,000 trillion synapses, neural pathways, circuits (etc.) for translation into action. How does your brain choose which circuit to send it to? And how do you know it’s the best possible choice?
In this article I’d like to explain how your neural circuitry (abbreviated here as ‘circuits’) creates and biases everything you experience, and why you get resistance when pursuing change.
Your feelings, what you hear, see, do and decide, come from your mind-brain interaction. Few of us realize that everything we experience comes from instructions sent from our brains, chosen mechanically, without meaning, by some bewildering, mechanistic neurology, at a specific moment in time, and might not accurately represent a full fact pattern with which to solve a problem.
But never forget that brains are merely electro-chemical interpretation devices, devoid of thought or meaning. That’s right: you think with your mind, but the instruction to act comes from your brain.
When you make a decision, see a color or listen to a concert, you assume what you experience is an accurate representation of what’s happening. And sometimes it is.
But sometimes your lazy brain merely chooses the nearest superhighway (sequence of circuits) to translate the experience according to the last concert you attended, or the last time you went on a diet, and it’s only a good-enough choice among a thousand other possibilities. Since it’s the only option you were given, how would you know if better ones might be available?
Sadly, your brain can’t tell the difference between good or bad – it only sorts for matching signals to interpret an input: meaning, intent, importance are not accounted for.
But imagine if it were possible to consciously choose or create the exact circuits to interpret incoming data in order to end up with your best choices!
Your brain is merely a predictive machine, comprised of vast numbers of elements (synapses, neural pathways, axons, etc.) that hold your history. Everything you experience now is historic. Even words have no meaning until a brain circuit interprets them for you. (Note: My book WHAT? breaks down how brains do this.) In fact, many of the books I’ve read call words puffs of air!
Indeed, your mind has no way to hear or see, understand or act, unless your brain interprets it.
And sadly, you have no choice but to operate from the meaning your brain has provided: the conscious ‘you’ is largely out of control; once the brain receives an input message and has sent the resultant signals to become outputs/actions, it’s too late to change their destination. The process is automatic, devoid of meaning, and unconscious.
Unfortunately, today’s standard practices for change management as well as standard Behavior Modification habit practices, ignore the brain change element and focus on attempting to modifying the behaviors, decisions, actions – the outputs – AFTER they’ve been generated and therefore difficult to alter. And when you attempt to make a change that hasn’t been accepted by your existing neural pathways? Your lazy, habituated brain resists, preferring the originating pathways.
Indeed, it’s not possible to try to change a behavior by trying to change a behavior. This is the reason behavior-change models fail 97% of the time. Have you ever tried turning a chair into a table? You can’t, but it’s possible to reprogram the machine (input) to get a table (output)!
For change management it’s necessary to populate new neurology to get a new result. To do so includes bringing in the full set of stakeholders who have been part of the initial problem; capturing the values and criteria to be met; stating a goal agreeable to everyone, understanding the risks of change, then buying-in to the full set of criteria. This avoids resistance as the group develops suitable neural pathways that generate new responses.
For habit change, it’s necessary to create a new neural pathway with a belief change and a wholly new set of input instructions. Here’s one simple example that becomes a mind-hack.
“I’m a fat cow now! I need to go on a diet. I’ll start Monday.”
“I’m a healthy person who will do the necessary research to find the best foods and nutrition to help my body attain and maintain my best weight over time.”
So: change the instructions, generate a new pathway, receive a new translation and ability to make automatic behavior changes.
Note: I’ve invented several Change Facilitation models that can alter neural circuitry for change and decision making. Happy to discuss.
I’m not a scientist, but as someone with Asperger’s, figuring out how to get into my brain to have conscious choice has been my ‘topic’ since around 1957 when I realized I didn’t act or think like everyone else.
I’ve devoted my life and intense curiosity to reading, thinking, designing, unpacking, writing, and inventing new skills and programs to create conscious routes into the unconscious for making personal decisions, serving Others by enabling their personal discovery and change, and for change initiatives that ensure buy-in and collaboration without resistance.
I believe this is a Servant Leader route: how to enable Others to discover and design their own version of Excellence. Great for coaches and leaders; certainly devoid of an outsider’s natural biases.
Over the decades I’ve realized that change is a systems problem since everything you do must be congruent with who you are. And by judging incoming messages in relation to how they maintain your system, your brain is the arbiter of keeping you congruent.
Using systems as the foundation, here are what I consider to be the norms that all change follow as it relates to the brain:
- Every person (or group) is a unique, idiosyncratic system made up of norms, history, Beliefs and mental models that define it uniquely and must remain congruent to keep the system whole. Each action, thought, behavior, choice must match the norms, Beliefs, and mental models of the system. Turns out that behaviors are Beliefs in action. I call this the System of Me (SOM).
- Whatever you think see, hear, think, ‘know’, feel is what occurs after your brain has chosen interpretation circuits. Your world is restricted according to what you already know and believe; your understanding of unknown concepts is restricted accordingly. This makes curiosity, innovation, understanding new ideas, and accepting direction with new initiatives difficult.
- Before your brain changes what is historically built-in, anything new must match the SOM (For those scientists reading this, this is Systems Congruence.) or it will be rejected or resisted. This is true for both individuals and groups.
- All existing circuits (of which there are 1,000 trillion) predict the data it will accept. According to Jordi Cami and Luis M. Martinez in The Illusionist Brain
“When the brain perceives, it generates a prediction…by inferring and anticipating reality based on past experiences.” (pg 102) Over time we generate a codification system…. And through experience we learn to store only what is most relevant (to us) … and eliminate details that we do not process.” (page 182).
In other words, your choices, how you interpret what you hear someone say, what you want to do, is pretty restricted to what’s already ‘in there’. We’re all restricted and unwittingly biased. And yes, there is neurogenesis, and brains constantly evolve. But the evolution is based on the existing neurology, physiology, and biology. How, then, is it possible to cause change and maintain Systems Congruence?
When you attempt to make a change without discovering and reorienting those parts of the brain that represent the status quo – regardless of how necessary or effective the new might be – resistance results.
In We Know It When We See It, Richard Masland says neurons get fired together automatically in response to an input used frequently, causing the brain to see these elements together even if only a portion of the same signals are sent (page 137)! He goes on to say:
“Our brain has trillions of cell assemblies that fire together automatically. When anything incoming bears even some of the characteristics [of operational circuits], the brain automatically fires the same set of synapses…There are very few inputs in our world that are not redundant.” (pg 143)
When you attempt to make a change using similar input as you’ve used before (i.e. without involving new input, new circuitry), your brain – acting mechanically and automatically – will seek existing circuitry so long as even a portion of the same signals are sent. And this is how you end up with resistance.
But it doesn’t have to stay that way. I’ve developed models that make it possible to recognize the circuitry causing the activity and enable the brain to develop new circuits or change existing ones as needed.
Note: my models don’t use conventional thinking so you may not have the circuitry to translate my ideas completely. But if you’re interested in the topic, and don’t fully understand the article, get my book HOW? that explains and teaches it all. It’s my life’s work and I’m here to serve you.
Knowing that your brain is an unreliable servant, how, then, can you create a new output? Here is what must be included:
- We must create input messages that include the proper wording and word placement, the correct hierarchy of criteria, the full set of instructions that captures the outcome as well as the route to get there.
- By following the natural path the brain takes to make a new decision, it’s possible to create successful initiatives/outputs very efficiently, without resistance. I’ve unpacked the 13 steps to change/decisions that match the flow of systems.
- The criteria (often unconscious) that hold the current problem in place (and have been maintained) must be matched when anything new is generated. Resistance follows when this is omitted. I have developed a 5 hour program that makes it possible to unpack a current habit and design new circuits for permanent habit/behavior change.
- To know which circuits are involved I invented a new form of question that directs the brain to the exact circuits (i.e. they are NOT information gathering).
- It’s vital to capture the full set of norms in the status quo so the underlying Beliefs, mental models, and history remains intact through the change. Without this, there is resistance as the system faces incongruence.
For those of you interested in leading congruent change without resistance, posing questions that enable Others to discover their actual answers, changing habits permanently, please 1. Go to and read some of the 1000 articles (clearly labelled in categories) on these subjects; 2. Connect with me and we’ll chat:
For those seeking the tools to change habits and behaviors, I’ve developed a HOW of Change™ model. For those seeking to enable Others to generate change without resistance, I’ve developed a generic Change Facilitation® model frequently used in sales to facilitate buying.
For those who would like to create their own systemic change models that enable the unconscious to generate effective outputs, here are some questions to ask yourself:
- What criteria will you use to generate new messaging that incorporates the SOM for new behaviors and new decisions?
- How can direct your conscious mind to the relevant access points in your unconscious without bias?
- How can you influence the choice of circuits to best translate your input?
- How will you know when there are more appropriate choices if your brain doesn’t offer them?
- How will you generate the instructions and triggers that cause permanent behavior change that avoids resistance?
- When creating a new initiative, how will you maintain Systems Congruence?
These are a few of the questions I’ve asked myself for decades and helped lead my thinking. I invite you to join me in discovering all the conscious routes into the unconscious for permanent, congruent, values-based change.
Sharon-Drew Morgen is a breakthrough innovator and original thinker, having developed new paradigms in sales (inventor Buying Facilitation®, listening/communication (What? Did you really say what I think I heard?), change management (The How of Change™), coaching, and leadership. She is the author of several books, including her new book HOW? Generating new neural circuits for learning, behavior change and decision making, the NYTimes Business Bestseller Selling with Integrity and Dirty Little Secrets: why buyers can’t buy and sellers can’t sell). Sharon-Drew coaches and consults with companies seeking out of the box remedies for congruent, servant-leader-based change in leadership, healthcare, and sales. Her award-winning blog carries original articles with new thinking, weekly. She can be reached at
6 thoughts on “Our Brains Decide For Us: why we get resistance during change”
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