
People don’t want to buy anything. They just want to resolve a problem with the least ‘cost’ to the system.

It’s impossible to have an expanded set of choices from Self. To expand choice, it’s necessary to be in meta – in Observer – to go beyond the automatic neural pathways and beyond the limbic brain to the pre frontal cortext to notice a broader array of possibilities. 

You can’t change a behavior by trying to change a behavior.

We make sense of the world from the circuits we already have in place. Incoming data is merely noise, with no meaning until matched against circuits we possess that will interpret it. Our brains construct our perception based on our history

You can’t remember what you didn’t notice.

Brains block out unexpected possibilities when it has an expectation. They can’t process all incoming data so they sort for what they expect and discard the difference. We have unintentional blindness.

A prospect is someone who will buy, not someone who should buy.

A behavior is a belief in action.

You’ve got nothing to sell/teach/lead if they’ve got nothing to buy/learn/change, regardless of their need or the efficacy of your solution.

As a rule of thumb it’s not possible to fully, accurately understand what someone else is saying because all incoming sound vibrations are translated uniquely as per existing circuitry.

The time it takes people to assemble the right stakeholders to understand the full set of details of a problem to know what’s missing, try to fix the problem with familiar resources, and make sure the cost of the fix is manageable, is the length of the sales cycle. It has nothing to do with need or the efficacy of the proposed solution.

Information doesn’t teach people how to make a new decision.

People won’t buy or change until they’re sure the cost of the fix is equal to or less than the cost of staying the same. They’ve lived with the status quo until now and it’s built in to the system.

Every decision is a change management problem.

Learning is an iterative process in which a new idea moves between knowledge acquisition, beliefs, failure, trial behaviors, and systemic buy in.

Questions are a vehicle with which an Asker tries to gather data to achieve their own goal, using their own languaging, tone, volume,etc, assuming an answer lies within the specific set of possibilities they’ve assumed. Obviously this restricts the response and has a probability of missing where an answer might exist within a Responder’s brain.

Just because you have an important message doesn’t mean another is ready, willing, or able to respond to it in the way you’d prefer.

People don’t buy because they have a need. They buy because they can’t solve a problem with familiar resources. And the cost of the solution must be equal to or less than the cost of the status quo.

You can’t lead if you can’t follow.

Ears translate incoming sound vibrations by the existing circuits they’ve been sent to with a ‘close enough’ set of signals. Where the configurations vary the brain discards the overage and fails to inform us what it’s discarded. So we hear some percentage of what was intended.

You can’t get where you’re going unless you know where you’re at.

It’s not the change people mind. It’s the unknowable disruption it causes to the system. Once people figure out the scope of the disruption they can plan how to manage it and are happy to change.

All decisions are systemic.

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