Helping Buyers Buy – Buying Facilitation®
I believe there’s a difference between selling, focused on placing solutions, and buying, the change management issues that must be resolved before a purchase is considered. With a focus on finding folks with ‘need’, the sales model has a 5% success rate. I think there’s more to discuss about buying that sales overlooks. With a focus on placing solutions, sellers aren’t taught to seek out those who are on route to becoming buyers because they have a different goal than need: these folks are first managing change.
I’ve unpacked all the steps people take on route to becoming a prospect and developed a new model – Buying Facilitation® – for sellers to use before selling to facilitate buying.
Buying Facilitation® is an add-on to sales that first enables people to address the systemic change they must manage before becoming prospects. It’s a first tier model followed by sales once the people have become buyers. I have taught this model to 100,000 sales folks globally, with an overall close rate of 40% against the control group’s average 5.4% close, to companies such as: P&G, IBM, Kaiser Permanente, KPMG, Wachovia, Boston Scientific, Bose, California Closets, DuPont, Bethlehem Steel, Unisys, Morgan Stanley, DEC, Sandler Sales.
For a comprehensive explanation of the material, and articles on the subject, go here.
Used in:
Qualifying/prospecting – Small, medium, large sales (All systems must be congruent before any buying occurs.) – B2B, B2C – Coaching, leadership, supervision – Face-to-face, phone, technology, content marketing
Future uses:
Technology to lead people through the steps to become buyers; – Anyone seeking to make a good decision on which solutions to choose; – For technology, group use, digital sales rooms, individual use.
Learning programs:
Instructor Lead Training Sharon-Drew teaches a three-day program in-person or on zoom.
Three-Day: This program teaches the full skillset of Buying Facilitation® and includes weeks of full coaching and program customization to obtain permanent learning.
Guided Study For serious students, this is a 26 module hands-on learning program that takes approximately 6 months to complete. This program comes with a one-hour coaching session, broken up into 10 minute mini-sessions. The program uses Buying Facilitation® ON leaners so learning takes place from the inside out. It is meticulously crafted by Sharon-Drew to make sure real learning takes place in the brain.
Audio Tapes These are three one-hour sessions of Sharon-Drew using Buying Facilitation®.
Learning Accelerators These are mini programs, culled from the Guided Study, to teach Facilitative Questions, Prospecting, Presentations, Gatekeepers, How Buyers Buy.
Books: Buying Facilitation®: a new way to sell that influences and expands decisions; Dirty Little Secrets: why buyers can’t buy and sellers can’t sell
Sharon-Drew can train your group in Buying Facilitation®, train your trainers to license Buying Facilitation® programs throughout your company, or coach your teams to enter at ‘stuck’ points in the buying decision process and accelerate a close:
For a more comprehensive discussion on this topic, go here.
Questions to Enable Discovery
I developed Facilitative Questions in 1998 as an antidote to conventional questions, which merely elicit the content requested by the Asker. Facilitative Questions are systemic, posed in a very specific format to lead Responders through their historic and generally unconscious brain circuits to uncover their own best answers, minus any bias. During the discovery of answers, Responders generally design next steps that match their own values-based criteria.
Used in:
Coaching – supervision/management – leading change – brainstorming – leadership – training – sales/prospecting/qualifying – discovery – questionnaires/surveys
Learning programs:
Learning accelerators (Facilitative Questions): Culled from the Guided Study, this accelerator teaches learners how to listen for systems to recognize how to formulate the questions to pinpoint the exact area the Responder needs to look for answers.
Guided Study For serious students, this is a 26 module hands-on learning program that takes approximately 6 months to complete. It uses Buying Facilitation® ON leaners so learning takes place from the inside out, and comes with a one-hour coaching session, broken up into 10 minute mini-sessions. It is meticulously crafted by Sharon-Drew for real brain learning.
Sharon-Drew Morgen trains Facilitative Questions as part of her Buying Facilitation® and leadership/coaching programs. She uses them ON clients during her coaching sessions. Contact:
For a comprehensive explanation of the subject go here.
The How of Change™
Currently, behavior change is addressed through some sort of behavior modification, by trying to change a behavior by trying to change a behavior. But since behaviors are outputs – the end result of incoming messages to the brain – any proposed change must occur in the input stage, before they become outputs (Once a chair emerges from the factory, you can’t make it into a table. The original programming must program ‘table’.)
The How of Change™ is a model that enables permanent behavior change and habit formation by reprogramming the brain’s neural circuitry . It that makes the unconscious conscious by
- identifying the foundational, historic factors that maintain the status quo in the person’s system, currently coded in the unconscious brain in specific neural circuits,
- creating conscious steps to reprioritize the hierarchies at the route of your choices,
- adding and subtracting factors to develop the specific elements that will create the specific circuitry
to create the exact outcomes sought. For this I use the trajectory of how brains translate data from an Input (messages, thoughts, vibrations) to an Output (actions, behaviors, meaning/interpretation). Great to change habits permanently.
Used in:
Healthcare – personal habit/behavior change – coaching
Learning program:
The How of change™ is a 5 session guided learning that teaches how to create new brain circuitry for new behavior and habit choices
Sharon-Drew can work with your team as a coach, project leader, or systems analyst in OD and Change projects.
For a comprehensive explanation of the subject go here.
Listening Without Bias
All words and sounds enter our ears as vibrations without meaning and traverse through our neural pathways to circuits that translate them for us according to our existing circuits. In other words, we only understand what others say according to what we already have stored in memory. Obviously this can cause biased listening and misunderstanding, misinterpretation, and assumption.
I’ve developed a way to supersede our brain to listen without bias and spent 3 years coming up with a model that teaches listeners how to bridge the gap between what’s said and what’s heard.
Used in:
All communicators – coaches, managers, parents, sellers, trainers, supervisors. Necessary for all influencers.
Learning programs:
Book: WHAT? Did you really say what I think I heard? breaks down each brain element that causes incoming sound vibrations to be translated the way we hear them. Filled with funny stories and exercises.
On-site team learning Sharon-Drew teaches this one-day team training that gives learners the experience of noticing their own listening biases and offers tools to replace biased listening with objective listening. Great for teams to learn and practice together. Ongoing exercises left with the team to help them continue learning on their own.
Assessments For individuals who want to understand exactly where their biases are to notice patterns that can be self-managed.
Study guides Learn from customized hands-on exercises that accompany and expand learnings from WHAT? This is a dedicated learning for those seeking to adopt the concepts and brain change elements from the book.
Sharon-Drew can train your team to hear clients and colleagues accurately and without bias, or coach any individual staff to listen better.
For a comprehensive explanation of the subject go here.
13 Stages to Change
Change and decision making are not ‘about’ the final result but about the system that has created and maintained the status quo. It’s only when the system is congruent that change will take place. After all, it has been ‘good enough’ until now. The rule is that unless the ‘cost’ of the change is equal to or less than the cost of the status quo, no change will occur. I have unpacked the systemic steps involved in all change decisions.
Used in:
Coaching – change management – leadership – sales – healthcare – personal change work
Learning programs:
Buying Facilitation®/Guided Study For serious students, this is a 26 module hands-on learning program that takes approximately 6 months to complete. This program comes with a one-hour coaching session, broken up into 10 minute mini-sessions. The program uses Buying Facilitation® ON leaners so learning takes place from the inside out. It is meticulously crafted by Sharon-Drew to make sure real learning takes place in the brain. The main tool of this model is Facilitative Questions, to enable Others to discover their own answers.
Book: Explains each of the 13 steps: Dirty Little Secrets: why buyers can’t buy and sellers can’t sell
The How of change™ is a 5 session guided learning that teaches how to create new brain circuitry for new behavior and habit choices.
The Buying Facilitation® program is a generic program, often used for sellers to facilitate buying decisions. Taught by Sharon-Drew Morgen, it offers the tools to lead Others (and groups) through to their own change and decision making.
For a comprehensive explanation of the subject go here.
Training vs Learning Facilitation
Current training programs are based on offering information as the means to promote learning. But information exchange is only as good as the learner’s ability to translate the new concepts and where there is a disconnect, people will mistranslate, misunderstand, and possibly resist.
I believe new ideas, new learning needs new neural pathways and brain circuitry. But because our brain only translates what’s been said according to what circuitry exists – we all translate the world according to our historic circuits as incoming vibrations become signals that match existing circuitry for translation – it’s quite difficult to impart wholly new data in a way that’s understood as per the needs of the trainer.
To that end, I’ve developed a new training model that actually enables learner’s brains to create new circuits and neural pathways to accept and adopt the new without resistance and without misunderstanding.
I work from a systems model of congruence rather than an information model of content-transfer and practice. By enabling learners to create a place in their historic thinking/system where new ideas have a place that fits, learners adopt the new material permanently and without resistance.
Used in:
All trainer-led training; all on-line learning
Learning programs:
Book: The 2003 Annual, Volume 1 Training, by Jossey-Bass/Pfieffer: “Designing Curricula for Learning Environment: using a Facilitative teaching approach to empower learners.”
Sharon-Drew can help you design training programs that facilitate learning. She’s happy to show you previous programs she’s developed using her Learning Facilitation model.
For a comprehensive explanation of the subject go here.
New Habits for Health
Too often Doctors and healthcare workers drive their own agendas, or agendas set by ‘protocol’ to prompt patients to change choices that don’t promote health. But too often these agendas run counter to the beliefs or histories of the patients.
It’s possible for patients to discover their own pathways to health by identifying their own pathways to new behaviors.
Used in:
Personal behavior change and habit formation,
Learning program:
The How of change™ is a 5 session guided learning that teaches how to create new brain circuitry for new behavior and habit choices.
This program is a self-learning course. Should additional coaching be needed, contact Sharon-Drew at
For a comprehensive explanation of the subject go here.
Servant Leadership
Too often we ignore human factors in our relationships, sometimes assuming what we hear is accurate and ignoring the possibility that our brains listened subjectively, assuming our curiosity, stories, personal beliefs are more valid
All models I’ve developed are devoted to serving others with respect, responsibility, kindness, fairness, and considerate communication. And I always work from the assumption that everyone has their own answers, their own neural configurations that underlie all activity, and that it’s the outsider’s job to discover them.
Buying Facilitation® believes that people have decisions to make before becoming buyers and sellers lead them through their change factors as servant leaders, before trying to place or pitch their solutions.
My listening models offers tools to ensure Listeners hear what’s intended, often beyond what they think they heard.
Facilitative Questions help Others figure out their own their own answers and the questioner becomes the servant leader to their discovery.
The How of Change™ model enables others to generate their own neural pathways to behavior and habit change.
Used in:
Coaching – supervision/management – leading change – healthcare – sales
Learning programs:
Learning accelerators (Facilitative Questions): Culled from the Guided Study, this accelerator teaches learners how to listen for systems to recognize how to formulate the questions to pinpoint the exact area the Responder needs to look for answers.
Guided Study For serious students, this is a 26 module hands-on learning program that takes approximately 6 months to complete. This program comes with a one-hour coaching session, broken up into 10 minute mini-sessions. The program uses Buying Facilitation® ON leaners so learning takes place from the inside out. It is meticulously crafted by Sharon-Drew to make sure real learning takes place in the brain. The main tool of this model is Facilitative Questions, to enable Others to discover their own answers.
Book: WHAT? Did you really say what I think I heard? breaks down each element within our brains that cause incoming sound vibrations to be translated the way we hear them. Filled with funny stories and exercises.
The How of change™ is a 5 session guided learning that teaches how to create new brain circuitry for new behavior and habit choices.
Sharon-Drew can help you design programs that encourage collaboration, respect, and true listening and learning.
For a comprehensive explanation of the subject go here.