- Are you promoting an important initiative on global sustainability – and don’t know how to motivate more response?
- Do you know how to message your outreach to motivate action?
- Would you add a new approach to marketing your content if you knew it would generate action?
Most of us are aware of the global sustainability issues we all face. Climate change. Food insecurity. Poverty. Famine. Houselessness. Yet not enough people are helping make a difference. Why?
As entrepreneurs of sustainable solutions, as leaders of NGOs for climate change, we must create marketing and content outreach that inspires more action and stimulates buy-in, volunteerism, donations, and activism.
In Messaging to Motivate Action for Global Sustainability, you’ll learn how.
Sharon-Drew Morgen, an inventor of decision-making and brain change models, offers a 4-part experiential series to help us message our outreach in a way that gets to the root of decision making and new behaviors, to “create content that facilitates behavior change from where it originates in the brain.”
In this series you’ll learn:
New Thinking:
What causes inaction? • What are we doing that causes resistance and how can we avoid it? • What do we need to do differently to motivate action? • What is change and how can we make it easy? • How can we inspire people to act from their values? • What’s the difference between sharing content and motivating action?
New Skills:
How can we listen with non-biased ears; pose questions that inspire action? • What are the steps of change that make change permanent? • What goals must we shift to inspire motivation?
New Outreach:
What type of messaging will activate brain change for new behaviors? • How can we avoid biasing our messaging to touch beliefs? • Can we break up our action requests into acceptable bites?
If you’re a marketer, or in an NGO or company offering new solutions for global sustainability, join us and walk away with state-of-the-art skills and new marketing materials to instigate others to take action.
Session titles:
1. Why don’t people take action? Understanding change, resistance, and behaviors
Why aren’t people doing what’s needed to create a sustainable future? Certainly published science has been available for many years, and millions have suffered from the adverse effects of disastrous climate events, poverty, and food insecurity. To heal the planet we need people and corporations to take more responsibility. By learning what change and resistance means, how decisions get reached, and how behaviors get initiated in our brains, participants will learn how values-based messaging avoids barriers and promotes activity.
2. Listening with different ears
How can we dialogue with others if we subjectively hear what they say? Sadly, given the way our brains translate incoming language into meaning, we naturally bias everything we hear. To engage and motivate action, we must listen without bias and make sure others hear what we mean. This session explains how, exactly, our brains translate what’s said subjectively and how to go beyond our restrictions to hear what others mean. This is especially useful during dialogue, information gathering, and messaging.
3. Facilitating curiosity and enabling discovery
When we gather data, run meetings, or hold group discussions, conventional questions actually hamper data collection and restrict understanding. How, then, can we pose questions that engage, cause contemplation and change, gather accurate data? This session introduces a new form of question based on belief/criteria discovery to get to core issues quickly and cause revisions in thinking and activity.
4. Dialogues that cause action
The session combines the new tools – listening without bias, messaging to promote action, questions that enable brain and behavior change, values-based buy-in – that overcome barriers and facilitate actual steps for sustainable futures. Participants will leave with an actual marketing template.
Sharon-Drew will run this series free for your group or organization on agreeable dates and times. Contact Sharon-Drew with questions: sharondrew@sharondrewmorgen.com