She’s Back

And ready to go! During my 3 years in retirement I wrote a new book (tentatively titled Did You Really Say What I Think I Heard, published in Fall by AMACOM) and am now starting a keynote speaking practice aimed at helping sales professionals facilitate a buyer’s behind-the-scenes consensus during their buying decision path. I’m the perfect speaker to enhance your sales event by bringing exciting ideas and new possibility.

Before now I trained the Buying Facilitation® model globally. Now I will bring Buying Facilitation® alive through my keynotes to inspire sellers and impart the steps, stages, and actions involved with selling with integrity, helping buyers buy, and augmenting the sales model. My keynotes are not only fun and inspirational, but will add capability to your Relationship Manager initiatives and enhance your value proposition – not to mention expediting sales.

In the years since I’ve been retired, the sales field has grown comfortable with the terms I coined in the 1980s: helping buyers buy, buying decision path, Buying Decision Team. Now it’s time for sellers to know how to go behind-the-scenes with buyers to expedite the consensus and solution choice deliberations that have always been hidden from us – but no longer have to be.

Go to and take a look at my video, new blog, and new direction. If there are ideas you have for topics for me, let me know. If you want a talk customized for your group about helping YOUR buyers buy, let me know. Just do me the favor of telling your friends and followers to tell their friends and followers to follow me, friend me, Link me, and find me.

I’ve got a new initiative for an age-old problem. Let’s get the message out! Let the buying begin! And I look forward to serving you in a new way. Don’t forget to call with questions or ideas. I’m back!

7 thoughts on “She’s Back”

  1. Наталья Гусева

    Dear Sharon! Your ideas are very common to what I am doing now, where I am working as the trainer! I would like to spread you Model in the Russia but I do not know what to begin with? What would you advise? Natalia.

  2. Pingback: Cold Calling Works – and it’s fun! | Sharon-Drew Morgen

  3. A belated but BIG Welcome Back!!! Sounds like your 3-year retirement and book-writing experience refreshed and rejuvenated you. That’s a very good thing, not just for you but for the (hopefully) millions of Buyers and Sellers who will benefit from discovering and applying your wisdom and unique approach. You go, Girlfriend! XOX

    1. Sharon-Drew Morgen

      Hey Biz – I just handed in my final draft of my new book on how to hear without bias. hopefully it will get me out of the ‘sales’ field and still offer folks some tools! Thanks for your kind words. It’s been a tough 3 years! You well?

  4. Pingback: The New Relationship Manager: how to differentiate yourself - Sharon-Drew

  5. Pingback: Cold Calling Works – and it’s fun! - Sharon-Drew

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