Any sales professional can be an order taker when times are flushand clients call in with orders. But do you have the necessary skills for times when companies don’t easily spend money, or more decision makers are on the Buying Decision Teams and don’t approve expenditures?
If you keep slogging your solution as you always did, it will take longer to close salesand you’ll lose a higher percentage of your prospect book. New skills are necessary.
The problem is not with your solution but with the buying decision process. Since the sales model is focused on solution placement, it doesn’t offer the skills to address or manage the behind-the-scenes decision issues that buyers face and that the sales model does not handle. The behind-the-scenes issues are personal, political, unique, and certainly idiosyncratic. They are also systemic – all of this makes it quite impossible to get into their graces with a sales focus.
Consider adding Buying Facilitation(r) to your skill set. I developed Buying Facilitation(r) in 1989 as a new skill set for sellers to lead buyers through the change management, decision issues they must handle together so they are ready, willing, and able to make a purchase. No, it’s not sales, and not focused on solution placement, and your sales approach can be used along with facilitating the decisions. But until or unless everyone who touches the solution buys in to purchasing your solution, and until or unless the new solution can enter the buyer’s environment without disruption, they cannot buy. Cannot buy. So the strength of your sales approach and the validity of your solution aren’t worth much.
Consider adding Buying Facilitation(r) to your skill set and help buyers make the buying, and buy in, decisions necessary to purchase your solution. Either contact me to discuss your needs at, read some of my articles on, learn more about the model on, or buy a book at
Let me help you help buyers buy. From the inside.
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