In an effort to more fully explore the entire profession of ‘sales’ as I have been doing on my new site, I’d like to introduce you to the universities that are either offering sales programs, or are
actually offering a degree’d program in sales.
The Russ Berrie Institute actually offers an MS in sales! Imagine! You can read about them and see their curriculum on William Patterson University
Ball State University
Baylor University
Illinois State University
Indiana University
Kennesaw State University
Northern Illinois University
Ohio University
The College of New Jersey
University of Akron
University of Houston
University of New Orleans
University of Toledo
The other universities are offering programs (in client care, opening/closing, pitching/presenting, objection-handling, etc) as part of a business degree. That said, it seems to me that sales is finally becoming a true profession!
Given that I’ve developed a new sales paradigm based on supporting the buying decision rather than the product sale, Buying Facilitation fits nicely onto the front end of the programs currently being taught. Since it’s a relatively new model in a thousand-year-old field, the professors are just coming around to recognizing the need to actually support the buyer’s decision as well as the seller’s product. It’s moving slowly, and I’d sure like the thinking to become part of the rest of the Sales model a bit quicker then it’s happening, but I understand that everything takes the time it takes.
For those of you interested in learning about the Profession of Sales, take a look at a University near you! And then give me a call and I’ll teach you the front end so you can help manage not only the product sale but the
buying decision.