It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a blog, and I’m curious as to how you all are doing. I’d like to pose a string of questions, and welcome responses so we can begin a dialogue.
1. how would you know that the skills you are currently using are giving you the results you deserve?
2. at what point would you recognize that you could be more successful if you weren’t approaching sales from a product placement/problem solving model?
3. I teach a decision facilitation model that requires a wholly different way to listen, respond, and a different outcome than conventional sales – but it’s way outside conventional thinking. What would you need to know about the model to consider adding aspects of it to your current routine – and what would you need to know about the results to consider it worth your while?
Until now, my material has been welcomed by visionary thinkers, and is now crossing the chasm into Early Adopter. To this end, I’ve developed a more mainstream training program and am eager to find companies seeking to add new training to their current skill set.
How would I best approach companies to help them discover whether or not they could use the new skills i offer?
I welcome a dialogue. Thanks for the interest.