Make the phone your friend and business secret: Webinar with Lorman

Do you use the telephone only to make appointments? Do you spend a lot of time traveling for ‘face visits’ and even then don’t close all of those you visit? Do you get the right members of the Buying Decision Team into the room on the first visit?

Join me and Lorman Education Services for an exciting event: Working from my Buying Facilitation™ model, I am going to teach you

  • how to get over your bias and consider interesting, effective phone options for connecting professionally with buyers and prospects;
  • how to have the prospects love the phone as a way to get the support they need;
  • how to recognize tire kickers on the first call, and convert folks who hadn’t realized a need;
  • how to help the buyer put together the Buying Decision Team on the first call so the right decision makers show up when you visit.

You might be surprised at how starting off with a change management mind set (before you start your needs analysis and solution placement)  changes your interactions, gets you far greater success and well-into the buying decision cycle. Even on the telephone, and even on the first call.

Join us, and let’s spend an hour together so I can offer you some new skills. All for $49 (make sure you use the discount code below).

I am so pleased to be partnering with the wonderful group at Lorman (Keeping You Current. Helping You Succeed® )  a very professional group with lots of good, timely data to share. While you are at it, look around their site and see what else interests you.

This is the first webinar I’ve done on this topic, and hopefully you’ll walk away happy. Imagine using the phone to do much of the groundwork of your sales effort – and truly help the buyer get ready to buy.

Here is the link for the webinar (priority code: 16899; discount code: Z7745121). I look forward to answering your questions, and offering some helpful ideas.


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