Friends with Benefits

I’d like to introduce you to a few of my friends and give you some links to what you can get from them (Free or otherwise. They’ve got great stuff and they are my friends after all.). They are all good, smart, thoughtful people, offering business the best of the best (IMHO). Check them out.

Jill Konrath, author of Selling to Big Companies, has written another wonderful book that will help you with the ‘sales’ end of your job: SNAP Selling. Visit her new site. There are fabulous freebies that she’s offering. Her ideas are solid, her writing is clear, and she understands the buyer’s buying decision issues (I’ve even written a bit for the book – discussing Buying Facilitation™, naturally) and offers help to get a buyer’s attention in this insane world where everything is fighting for our buyers’ attention. Go to and buy the book, and then go to her site and sign up for the free resources. Jill is one of the smart ones in the field, and I respect her greatly.

Leadership Excellence, Sales and Service Excellence, and Personal Excellence Magazines have been around decades, offering articles from new thinkers that are consistently solid and interesting. They have two new products that you can use:  ABC Leadership Development Tests and Templates and Personal Excellence Plan. I’d also like you to consider subscribing (yes, and giving them real money to do so).  This magazine has been a bellweather for integrity in business: Leadership Excellence will continue to shape future business successes. Our mission (to help you find a wiser, better way to live your life and lead your organization) is one of positive growth and improvement. And as our 25-year track record shows, we’ve found the means to lasting advancement. Continue browsing to learn more about what Leadership Excellence can do for you.

How about Trust-Building – on line! Imagine! Meri Aaron Walker will teach you how to get friends, meet clients, and have virtual relationships on the net. Here is what she says about her work: I sell a distance relationship management solution. In a nutshell, I help people encounter and overcome the barriers in remote work.For almost two decades, I have been part of an emerging social body of women who have found ourselves responding to the deepest vocational needs of human beings in the midst of the financial, ecological, and social tsunami we’ve been living through as the Internet emerges.

Go to her site and get her new little book. It’s filled with goodies that will help you be really, really professional and smart on Skype and in video-based meetings. Stop spending all of that money for flights when for $17.97 you can have that meeting on line – and be just as successful.

Stone Payton has a radio show in which he interviews leaders and rainmakers, as well as a video business in which he goes around the country, interviewing and videoing authors, making their book reviews and videos available to all. He has an interesting take on the world mixed with his iconic verve and humor. Check it out. And, I’ll be on his show June 21st. I’ll remind you later.

Martin Rutte, co-author of Seeking the Sacred: leading a spiritual life in a secular world, and I have been friends and co-conspirators for 20 years as we’ve both worked assiduously to bring spiritual values into the world of business. He’s in charge of getting out a wonderful newsletter on work and values. The newsletter is part of the Centre for Spirituality and the Workplace, Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada. Take a look and/or sign up to receive the newsletter. The articles are both thoughtful and thought-provoking. If you’re a regular reader of my newsletters, these are just the sort of articles that will excite you.

The Wisdom Journal is a good place to go for anything you need inspiration for. Whether it is to find out how to have a fair fight with your husband or to motivate your employees, the Wisdom Journal finds articles that offer caring advice. The articles are smart, informative and well written. Check them out.

Alen Majer is one of the good guys. Kind, gentle, integrous, and smart. He’s got a new little book called Trigger Events. He regularly runs free webinars, and talks about finding buyers who are ready to buy. For those of you who don’t yet use Buying Facilitation™ and don’t know how to help buyers navigate through their internal buying decision issues, and are seeking those already ready to buy, Alen’s the guy.

I’ll give you further updates on friends as they write new books. It’s an honor for me to know and serve these people.


6 thoughts on “Friends with Benefits”

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Friends with Benefits | Sharon-Drew Morgen --

  2. Hi Sharon-Drew,
    I am honored to be mentioned on your blog.
    Thank you so much for your kind words and please let me know how can I help you to promote your books in Canada.

  3. Hi Sharon-Drew,
    I am honored to be mentioned on your blog.
    Thank you so much for your kind words and please let me know how can I help you to promote your books in Canada.

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