Evolving Your Sales Game Plan-a Focus Interactive Summit

I am excited to be a part of an online Sales Summit hosted by FOCUS.  If you have not attended one of these FOCUS online summits in the past, this is a good one to start with.  The event is on Thursday, October 21, 2010 — 8AM to 1:30PM PT / 11AM to 4:30PM ET.

Pre-registration is required

Join Focus and your peer community for this must-attend event to learn about the latest processes and technologies to help you create a top-performing revenue-generating sales force. In addition to getting top independent expert content, you’ll be able to:

  • Ask questions and speak with Focus Experts in a live group chat
  • Collaborate with peers and build your professional network
  • Visit sponsor vendor booths and download resources

I will be joined by five other FOCUS Experts who will be speaking on the following topics:

The New Rules for Selling to Crazy-Busy Prospects – Jill Konrath Internationally-Recognized Sales Strategist and Bestselling Author
Having a tough time capturing and keeping the attention of today’s stressed-out decision makers? In this webinar, you’ll learn tips and specific “SNAP” strategies to help you convert your crazy-busy prospects into sales. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about Jill Konrath’s fresh sales strategies, provocative insights and actionable ideas.

Facilitating the Buying Decision: New Skills for New Times Sharon-Drew Morgen NYTimes Bestselling Author, Developer of Buying Facilitation™
How can we get involved earlier in buying decision journey? Using the current sales and marketing focus on needs and solutions, we can’t. But it’s possible to add new skills to enter earlier. In this session you’ll learn the hidden stages of the buyer’s journey, and how to become part of the Buying Decision Team. Adding change management skills can help buyers buy more efficiently.

The 10 Biggest Sales Management Mistakes & How to Avoid Them Dave Brock President and CEO of Partners in EXCELLENCE
Sales managers have one of the most difficult jobs in the organization.  They are tasked with achieving higher levels of business performance, providing leadership, coaching and development to their teams.  Too many managers are former “sales super stars,” poorly equipped  to step into the role of high performing manager.  This session focuses on challenges facing today’s sales managers and how they can excel in meeting those challenges and leading their teams to higher levels of performance.

5 Sales 2.0 Tools You Can’t Do Without – Miles Austin President / Founder, Fill the Funnel
The Social Web is a great resource for timely and relevant insights for sales people. In this session, learn about 5 new Sales 2.0 solutions that aggregate and analyze social data to help make sales teams faster and smarter than ever before.

How to Build a Case for Inside Sales – Trish Bertuzzi President, The Bridge Group, Inc.
An inside sales implementation can be an effective strategy for generating revenue through both inbound inquiries and outbound calling. But you need a solid strategy and foundation to set up and manage a team that makes an impact on the bottom. In this session, learn what it takes and the expected fixed and variable costs associated.

Social CRM: Selling to the 21st Century Customer – Paul Greenberg Author, CRM at the Speed of Light, 4th Edition
The customer has irrevocably changed. They communicate differently with the Internet and 4.6 billion mobile devices. They trust their peers for recommendations, not sales or marketing or experts. They expect more from you than ever before. But how you generate leads and close opportunities has also changed. There is now an unprecedented wealth of resources available and visible knowledge that give you a greater chance of success than ever. But are you ready to do that with Social CRM? Let’s see.

Who Should Attend?

This event is ideal for sales leaders, both B2B and B2C, looking to stay ahead of the curve by leveraging new tools, the social web explosion, and latest selling strategies.

Why Attend?
Boost your sales skills and effectiveness as you track-change, learn new methods, and deepen your understanding of what it takes to connect and engage with today’s buyers.

Event Details
Event Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010
Event Duration: 8AM to 1:30PM PT / 11AM to 4:30PM ET

Don’t forget – you need to register in order to participate.  I hope to  see you there

Note: The following is a republication of an article published on Fill The Funnel by Miles Davis

1 thought on “Evolving Your Sales Game Plan-a Focus Interactive Summit”

  1. Great subject and content. I will recommend the site without a doubt, great spot!! I will be back to check out more for sure. 

    Glenn Wright
    VP of Marketing
    Partner Source 
    (Ranked #2 for Service/Cost: B2B/B2C Appointment Setting | Lead Generation and Market Research Company)
    Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

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