I’m proud to announce the launch of my seminal work, my most prized issue (after my wonderful son, of course), and the gift I am here to offer. In this book, I think I’ve finally found the voice to do that – to write about change, and decisions and serving. It’s taken a few books to get here, but I believe I’ve finally learned how to say what has been in my head for decades.
This book is good. I’ve said what I wanted to say. I am proud that I wrote it. And now it’s yours to enjoy.
Writing this book – like writing any book – is a journey. Along the way, I met some amazing people and made many, many new friends. I’ve made one or two enemies, had one or two arguments, learned to love a handful of interesting people of all ages, began collaborations with new people and companies and partners. I’ve cried and screamed, giggled and passed out from exhaustion. And it’s been a helluva ride, more than with any other book I’ve written.
I now pass it over to you. Please enjoy it, start conversations about it, write about it, and use what’s in it to serve others and create the collaborations that will help the world heal.
This book is seemingly a ‘sales’ book, but the systems/change material in the book is applicable in any relationship or change process. Please let me know what you think, or contact me with (simple) questions (I can’t answer the harder ones with brief emails. Sorry.). Together, we can bring in new skills into sales, and figure out, together, new ways to use the material – in technology that makes decision choices more available, or in recruitment to make sure both candidate and company know for certain, how to hire the exact right person, or questionnaires to gather the consumer’s criteria rather than just information, or… What fun is that!
Thank you all for your care and your respect over the past few months. You’ve read while I’ve played in the rain in Scotland, wanted to do bad things to my proof reader, introduced you to colleagues, and danced with my shoes off. And I’ve possibly offered a few cogent ideas occasionally. Now you get to read the results of my work during that time. And now it will be a great joy to stay in touch as I move to a personal ‘implementation stage’ and go back again to training folks in how to DO Buying Facilitation™, give some keynotes…. or whatever!
Let’s not lose touch. Let’s keep the dialog going about this unchartered territory outside of the sales purvue. Let’s change our expectations of what’s necessary and possible. Let’s put the new material into the ‘typical’ set of sales skills and change the field. In fact, why don’t we just set about to change the world.
And then I can keep having fun! Enjoy!
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Consider purchasing the bundle: Dirty Little Secrets plus my last book Buying Facilitation™: the new way to sell that influences and expands decisions. These books were written to be read together, as they offer the full complement of concepts to help you learn and understand Buying Facilitation™ – the new skill set that gives you the ability to lead buyers through their buying decisions.
Currently is not selling books outside of the US, but we are fulfilling all non-US orders here.