Please join me – and a few of my business partners – in having some fun. I’m going to be interviewed on some webinars and podcasts, and be a guest speaker at a Boston conference. I seek to offer some provocative thinking and a few new ideas. Listen, watch, and join me in serving you:
Company name: Leadformix
Title: What’s the Difference between a newspaper and a sales professional? Hint: both are doomed.
Date/time: Sept. 13 at 11:00 AM PST
Ideas discussed: with sales enablement capabilities and the internet co-opting the influence seller’s have on buying decisions; sellers must learn new skills or be out of a job.
Group Name: CustomerThink Sales Summit
Title: Start at the beginning: add new Trusted Advisor skills earlier in the buyer’s journey
Date: Oct. 5-7 with Dave Brock. Time TBA.
Ideas discussed: All sales folks attempt to be Trusted Advisors. But what do buyers really really need from us now? The stakeholders need help in making sense of all of the pertinent change management issues necessary to get buy-in to make a purchase. Hear Brock and Morgen discuss the different aspects of the buyer’s decision journey.
Group Name:
Title: The Focus Interactive Summit: Evolving your sales game plan
Date: Oct. 21
Ideas: Sales thought leaders getting together to discuss various aspects of the new world of sales. Jill Konrath and I will be discussing some Sales 2.0 ideas. Learn about the latest processes and technologies to help you create a top-performing revenue-generating sales force.
Also, if you missed these that I recently completed, check out the recordings below.
- Pastor Rick McDaniel (Richmond Community Church) & Sharon-Drew – Two spiritual thinkers interviewing each other (also listen at the bottom of the page – just before comments)
- CustomerThink Webinar: Mark Sellers & Sharon-Drew – Enabling The Buyer’s Journey
- StrategyDriven Podcast Series – Making Change Work – Sharon-Drew interviewed by Nathan Ives of Deloitte & Touche: #4: What is Resistance? For the rest of the series, go to
- Podcast Series – Keeping Sellers Relevant: What is the new job of sales when the Internet takes over the sales function?
In Boston, on September 23rd, I will be speaking at the Aloft Hotel at 6-8 pm, with the SMEI group. I will have a registration link shortly.
And here’s a bit of fun: watch my silly video on the stupid seller (below). It’s quite tongue-in-cheek, of course. Ably abetted by my friend Stone Payton playing the ‘stupid buyer’, I drive a shiv into the recognized problems in sales – all of which can be alleviated by using Buying Facilitation™. Enjoy.
Thanks for your interest, folks. This blog is ranked #7 of the top 100 sales and marketing blogs. Thanks for your interest and support! And send on to friend – I am to be #1!
Wanting to add some Buying Facilitation™ skills to your current sales skills? Want to learn it on your own? Designed with self discovery and homework, these Accelerators will get you up and running with new skills in a few hours.