
Sharon-Drew Morgen
Sales Visionary, Developer: Buying Facilitation®

Why hire Sharon-Drew for your keynote?

Because she is:

  • the original thinker in the sales field;
  • provocative, insightful, radical and revolutionary;
  • the visionary who redefines the entire sales model and exposes the underlying flaws with sales…and shows you how to fix it.
  • Sharon-Drew is the developer of Buying Facilitation®, the decision facilitation model that enables buyers to recognize
    and manage their change management issues before they can choose a solution.

    Sharon-Drew exposes the sales model and turns the process on it’s head: it’s always been about the buyers behind-the-scenes change management process and sales
    has focused on the last decision in the buyer’s journey. Would you rather sell or have someone buy? Sharon-Drew will make you think.

    Speakers Bureaus: One Sheet Flyer (pdf) | Meeting Planners: One Sheet Flyer (pdf)
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    Speech Topics


    The Emporer has no clothes

    Marketing automation misses the true purchasing opportunity. In fact, they are losing more than 80% of their prospects.
    Hear Sharon-Drew explain why you’re following the wrong leads, the leads aren’t qualifying and you’re not helping your buyers early enough in the buying
    journey. Learn how to enhance your success factor by over 100%.


    Selling doesn’t cause buying

    The sales model is meant to assess needs and place solutions. It was not designed to manage the complex change issues that our buyers must content with behind the scenes, and before they can buy. Hear Sharon-Drew discuss the cost to us – in lost sales, in over long sales cycles, in time wastage – because we don’t have a useful model to help buyers manage their buying decisions. She will introduce the Buying Facilitation® model and how us how managing the front end of the buying decision can enable buying – and help sellers close in a fraction of the time.

    Redefining Sales: a new paradigm for today’s economy

    Business has gotten so complex that buyers are taking longer to decide. We can help them decide . Through a provocative new model, you will learn how to help buyers recognize the answers they must have to make a timely buying decision.

    Sales: your competitive edge for a new economy

    Our economy has changed. We’re a global community, with global competition and global partners. Our product is not enough to get us new clients – they need to manage their complex, internal decisions before they’ll buy. To compete globally, we need to take on some new skills. This presentation will motivate sellers to begin to go outside their comfort zone and get them thinking about how to help buyers manage their internal decision.

    What are customers? And how do we keep them?

    Customers are internal, external, global, and necessary. We don’t keep them because we have a good product or a good brand. We keep them because we continually give them reasons to trust us and choose to stay connected. How do we offer customers the continual choice to remain committed and loyal?

    » Ready to book Sharon-Drew? Contact her now! «


    The Psychology of Buy-In: How we can achieve agreement from start to finish.

    Our implementations are well thought out, rational, and financially sound. We assume that our employees will willingly go through the change process. But we request buy-in to late in our process. Learn how to invite buy-in from the inception of the idea through to the end. Save your staff, ensure supportive, creative behavior from those you’re asking to make the changes, and develop a win-win collaboration all the way through the process.

    Differentiating your brand in the global marketplace.

    How are you differentiating yourself on the global playing field when customers compare you against other global brands or local providers? Hear Sharon-Drew introduce ideas that will use your existing assets, sales force and marketing initiatives, as your way to win the global competition.

    How do create an effective change management initiative: what’s stopping you from being as successful as you’d like to be?

    Current change management models start with the initiative and find ways to garner acceptance. Now, learn how to start with the people: get buy-in from all before attempting to handle the change; garner creativity and leadership from the bottom up and expand your success.


    As controversial as Sharon-Drew might be, she made some good and radical points, for example “You are losing 97% of your leads”.
    Half of the people who attended her talk hated her because they didn’t want to challenge themselves or change; half wanted more. One thing I clearly
    remember about her speech is that she focused on the dealers and not herself. I know that our current Sales VP was diametrically opposed to her as she
    discussed long-held initiatives that he’s been pushing – to little success as you know – and really got him (and us) to reconsider what success would
    look like for us. Tough times require new thinking or tweaking on traditional methods. Morgen’s thinking is very close to the basics that built this company,
    with some contemporary tools that might result in more sales.

    Pat Horgen
    General Manager,
    Haque Water Systems

    Sharon-Drew provided Qvidian’s Connect11 attendees with a very engaging, thought provoking and interactive session focused on leveraging
    Buying Facilitation® techniques to help manage the buying decision path earlier, and thereby drive higher win rates and increased sales effectiveness.
    Prior to the conference she spent quite a bit of time doing research and speaking with a few of our clients to make sure she had a clear understanding of
    our needs and possible solutions for us. We learned a lot, and were able to use her ideas to help us respond to our clients better.

    Rich Berkman
    VP Partnerships

    Contact Sharon-Drew about your next event!

    call us at (512) 457-0246
    Or email us at info@newsalesparadigm.com

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